Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy 30 days!

Where to start... This may have been the busiest 30 days of my life. I probably worked (or traveled) close to 500 hours in the last month or so.

I was shooting the second unit (and day playing on first unit) of the Charlies Angles pilot. We shot mostly hard nights. Around the same time, Burn Notice started season 5 and I started shooting second unit there as well. I also did some under water work for the Burn Notice season 5 promos. There were a few music videos, some commercials, the television stuff and finally Wrestle Mania 27 in Atlanta.

Most of the work was with Brett and the new addition (from the old school) to the team Greg. Greg was in California and Costa Rica for the last few years and came back to Miami just at the right time. It was so busy in town that there were a few days that we literally could not find an available crew member to fill several positions.

Every thing went well and we have a ton of kick ass footage for a bunch of different clients. Aside from being tired we all had a great time and a good amount of fun. I made a quick slide show with a few pictures from the various shoots (mostly taken by Brett).

Coming up this month we have some more Burn Notice, another music video or two and yet another trip to Atlanta. This one is with Artie for a Nascar sequence for a television show. Further down the road it looks like Charlies Angles is going to shoot a season of the show here in Miami and shoot a couple of days of second unit per episode.

In the next few months we also have HBO/Stars doing 'Magic City' and Warner Brothers doing 'Rock of Ages' staring Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Gwyneth Paltrow, Anne Hathaway and a host of other 'Big Stars'. Looks like Miami is going to stay busy for the foreseeable future.

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